Shutesbury Board of Selectmen March 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes Members present: Chairman Rebecca Torres and Ralph Armstrong. Absent: Debra Pichanick. Also Present: Town Administrator David C. Dann and Administrative Secretary Leslie Bracebridge, recording. Meeting opened at 7:05 P.M. Appointments 7:05 PM: Police Chief Harding: * Chief Harding announced that he will add Microsoft Excel skills to his personal talent bank. Ralph sang his praises to "point & click." Others cheered and a jolly good time was had by all. * Four officers will go to a school safety training session, to be funded with Community Policing funds. * A flaw in the state's repayment system has cost Shutesbury a payment owed from a Governor's Highway Safety grant program. Community Policing funds will be used to cover wages already paid to officers who participated in the program. * No resumes have been received in response to the newspaper employment ad. * There are no accident reports this week. * Police have received some complaints regarding the broken pavement on Leverett Road. The Highway Department is doing its best to smooth it out with cold patch. 7:20 PM: In the presence of Town Treasurer Gabriele "Gabe" Voelker: 1. Selectmen unanimously voted to sign an interim loan note in the amount of $76,797 for the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust Community Septic Management Loan Program. 2. Selectmen received Gabe's up to date understanding of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) audit. The hearing contact person did not want the new materials that Gabe had prepared and the does not want anything but invoices. Gabe explained her proof of the payment to the architect to the contact. He agreed to look at it so she “over-night” mailed it to him. Gabriele listed to the Selectmen the payment proofs that he has thrown out. She felt that he was quite firm with his decisions and would not be changing his mind on those at the hearing. Using this up to date information, Selectmen prioritized with Gabe which topics (primarily the remaining $72,000 in costs that have not already been dismissed) to be presented and what information each participant would present at the Thursday March 6 half hour hearing with the MSBA audit team in Boston. Gabe summarized her belief that with all the records that have been located and with all the information that has been learned about the audit, the bulk of costs that will not be accepted, never would have been accepted anyway. The original $500,000 included entries for projected estimates of expenses, that were never actually spent and which were never actually included in the approximately $300,000 that will be deducted in $50,000 amounts over the next 6 years. Topics 1. Selectmen reviewed and further developed a draft notification letter to be sent to all town departments, of Select Board and Finance Committee support of a proposed proposition 2˝ override needed to close an FY 09 $200,000 budget gap without significantly decreasing cash reserves. The letter will also announce that the Finance Committee will be looking for input in the construction of an FY 09 budget that has a 1% increase in the case that an override is rejected. Selectmen will invite the School Committee to their March 18 meeting to discuss how a 1% increase will affect the school. 2. A letter from Library Accessibility Project contractor Montemagni and sent directly to the Board of Selectmen will be discussed by Ralph with Town Counsel MacNicol, as the Board wants her to manage Mr. Montemagni's concerns. In his letter Mr. Montemagni quotes Town Counsel as advising him to request a meeting with the Board of Selectmen. Further, in his letter Mr. Montemagni requested that an individual from the Building Committee be excluded from the proposed meeting. Mr. Montemagni should be informed that individuals cannot be excluded from a public meeting (except executive session.) What would be the benefit of Selectmen meeting with Mr. Montemagni? Selectmen find Shutesbury's Building Committee to be highly creditable. Two of the four people on the Committee have contractor licenses. Selectmen don't feel Shutesbury should pay for some of the costs itemized by Mr. Montemagni. Selectmen need to know what Town Counsel MacNicol actually discussed with Mr. Montemagni. Ralph will communicate with Town Counsel tomorrow. Steps: First Ralph will talk to Town Counsel and explain that Selectmen had intended future negotiations with Mr. Montemagni to be conducted through Town Counsel. Discuss a potential response letter to Mr. Montemagni to include the following points: 1. If a meeting is recommended by Town Counsel, suggest the next open meeting date. 2. Notify Mr. Montemagni that members of Shutesbury's Town Building Committee cannot be excluded from Select Board meetings. 3. The Selectmen do not find Mr. Montemagni's invoices to have swayed their opinion. 4. Selectmen do not believe a meeting would be worth Mr. Montemagni's time. 5. Selectmen may request copies of all pay stubs and employment records for the project. * David will follow-up with a written letter stating that Mr. Montemagni will not be on the agenda for March 18 and the Selectmen will be in touch with him. * Chief Harding will be present if Selectmen do meet with Mr. Montemagni. 3. In the presence of Chief Harding, Selectmen unanimously voted to authorize a request put to them by Leonard Road resident Steve Marglin to use the school parking lot for his daughter's June wedding. Police will have a contact number for noise complaints. 4. Plans were made for the April 12 All Boards meeting at the Recreation field with refreshments. The Town Administrator will check with Fire Chief Tibbetts on the details. 5. Discussion of a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Town of Shutesbury and C & A Construction of Ludlow Massachusetts for C & A's use of Lot O-32 as a staging area during the reconstruction of the Leverett, Cooleyville and Prescott Roads (LCP). The Town Administrator will: * Review the draft MOU with the Conservation Commission on March 13. * Ask how much area C & A will need, * Review the draft MOU with Town Counsel. Selectmen still need to have a pre-construction conference. 6. The MOU for a swale on Cooleyville Road was not ready for discussion. 7. Ralph will serve as the Select Board representative for the Police Chief contract negotiations. Becky will serve as Select Board representative for the Town Administrator performance evaluation and contract negotiation. 8. In response to an inquiry to purchase town-owned lot M-30, the Town Administrator will research the exact process for selling town real estate property, including confirmation that the decision to sell is a town meeting vote. It is his sense that a sale would have to be a process open to all bidders, and that the town could require a reasonable price and would not have to accept a low bid. Select Board Action Items 1. Previous minutes will be approved when member Debra Pichanick is present. 2. Unanimously voted to sign vendor warrants totaling $69,094.00 and payroll warrants totaling $77,652.30. 3. Selectmen unanimously voted to sign Personnel Action Forms for the resignation of Police Officer Kenneth Hartwright and for the temporary appointment of part time Police Officer Nicholas Chandler. New Topics 1. Town Treasurer Gabriele Voelker reviewed her up to the minute understanding of the details of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) audit. The audit firm representative that she spoke with today did not want the new materials that she had prepared; he does not want anything but invoices. Gabe explained her proof of the payment for the architect. She listed the proof of payments that have been “thrown out.” He was quite firm with his decisions. Plans were finalized for the order of presentation at the Thursday March 6 half hour Boston hearing. Shutesbury representatives will focus their presentation time on the remaining $72,000 in costs that have not yet been dismissed. Gabe concluded that at this point she is comfortable that the bulk of the costs that will not be accepted would never have been accepted anyway. She explained that the original $500,000 included estimates that were neither counted nor included in the $300,000 expected to be taken out of cherry sheet totals in $50,000 increments over the next six years. 2. Selectmen received copies of a standardized letter prepared by Auditor Thomas Scanlon to be signed by the Board of Selectmen as part of the audit process. Selectmen will review the letter and edit such elements as the “South Shutesbury” address before signing it at the next Select Board meeting. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:02 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Leslie Bracebridge Administrative Secretary 080304 Select Board 2