Shutesbury Board of Selectmen with Planning Board April 10, 2008 Meeting Minutes Members present: Chairman Rebecca “Becky” Torres and Ralph Armstrong. Absent: Debra Pichanick Also Present: Planning Board Chairman Deacon Bonnar and members Jeffrey “Jeff” Lacy, Linda Rotondi, Joanne Sunshower, Stephen “Steve” Bressler and James Aaron, Town Administrator David C. Dann and Administrative Secretary Leslie Bracebridge, recording. Guests: Stephen Puffer, Al Springer and Hugh Harwell. Meeting opened at 7:00 P.M. Subjects Discussed: Jeff Lacy reported that at 5:30 PM a handshake agreement was reached: Cinda, Fred and Jeff. Elements agreed upon: * Jeff conceded: taking ½ of 20% or greater slopes. * Cinda agreed: 100% of wetlands come out. * Divisor of 5 in the Conservation Restriction area * Percent of open space in Rural Residential area changed from .5 to .65. * Shutesbury creates a pool of open space and flexible frontage of 10/calendar year (in addition to the other cap of 10.) (Eddy lot off Montague Road may pursue.) Becky:? about distribution timeframes of dwelling permits. * Bonuses cut in half except affordable housing was kept at 25%. Public access went to 10%. David: Use the notice for the public hearing for the warrant. * Have to provide changes from draft 13 to 14 at the Town Meeting. * The Town Clerk’s office only has to have the public hearing version. Jeff: Once the warrant is signed it cannot change. * Jeff will get details on timing to meet all requirements from Attorney General’s office and prepare a final draft over the weekend. * Jeff will also try to integrate High’s suggestions into the text of the final. * Copies of the final zoning bylaw will be available at Town Hall and on the Website. Becky: Advocated for allowing gas stations in the zoning bylaws. L. Rotondi motions. Discussion: Jeff: Delete gas station from the use chart and like today, if it were proposed under other retail business. Voted unanimously by the Planning Board. The Planning Board unanimously voted to approve changes negotiated by Jeff to be incorporated into the final version of proposed zoning bylaws. Becky thanked the Planning Board for the 11-day negotiation work. Jeff thanked Ralph for his statement that negotiation can only go so far and then we have to stay with our convictions. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Leslie Bracebridge Administrative Secretary 080410 1 Selectboard 1