2023 Annual Town Meeting and Local Election

        The Shutesbury 2023 Annual Town Meeting

                           and Local Election



Image of Shutesbury Town Hall

The purpose of this page is to provide Shutesburians with a central location for important information and updates about Annual Town Meeting and the Local Election. This page will be updated with more information as it becomes available.

TOWN MEETING MINUTES (this document is how you find out what happened)


Total votes cast in the local election: 340

Total registered voters in Shutesbury as of 6/3/2023: 1,516

Turnout for 2023 Local Election: 23%

Total number of voters who checked in for Town Meeting: 188


Annual Town Meeting will take place on Saturday, June 3rd in the field behind Town Hall at 1 Cooleyville rd, starting at 9am.

The Annual Local Election will occur inside Town Hall from 8am to 2pm. 

The Finance Committee will hold a public forum on the Fiscal Year 2024 budget on: Tuesday, May 30, at 6:30pm on Zoom.

Annual Town Meeting information


Annual Town Meeting Warrant

What's a Town Meeting Warrant? It's the agenda for the meeting and includes everything we will be voting on. 

FY24 Revenue

FY24 Expenditures

FY24 Budget Annual Report correct 5/30/23

Moderator Musings by Shutesbury Moderator Paul Lyons 

Community Choice Aggregation handout


Town Meeting Resources

Resources from Shutesbury and around the Commonwealth to help you navigate Town Meeting

Shutesbury Town Meeting webpage including past Town Meeting information

"Welcome to the Town of Shutesbury's Annual Town Meeting" brochure written by former Shutesbury Moderator Penny Kim, updated 2020

A Citizen's Guide to Town Meeting published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth

The Town Meeting Process an introductory video for the public created by the Massachusetts Moderator's Association

Local Election information

Click here to view the sample ballot which includes all the candidates and offices up for election


Every year the Town of Shutesbury holds a local election in the spring to select town officers. Traditionally this election occurs on the same day as Annual Town Meeting, but they are two separate events with different procedures and rules. Shutesbury voters can cast a ballot by mail or at the polls on Election Day.


Candidate Statements

Candidate statements are being included on this webpage because the Our Town newsletter was delayed this year and will not be reaching voters until after the election. Statements are displayed here exactly as they would in the newsletter.


Register to vote 

Tip: You can also use that link to check whether or not you are currently registered to vote in Shutesbury.

Voter Registration Deadline: Wednesday, May 24th by 5pm. In order to vote in any election, you must be registered to vote in Shutesbury at least 10 days prior to Election Day, no later than 5pm. If you are already registered to vote in Shutesbury, you don't need to do anything. If you are not currently registered to vote in Shutesbury, you will need to register before the deadline in order to participate in the Annual Town Election or Annual Town Meeting. 

Vote by Mail Application 

If you want to vote by mail, fill out the application and return it to the Town Clerk. You can use the Track My Ballot portal on the Secretary of the Commonwealth's website to find out if your ballot has been sent or received. 

How to submit your Vote by Mail Application:

Option 1: Mail your application to PO Box 264, Shutesbury MA 01072

Option 2: Hand-deliver your application by placing it in the drop box outside Town Hall or in the Town Clerk mailbox in the hallway at Town Hall

Option 3: You can email your filled out application to the Town Clerk at townclerk@shutesbury.org. You can use an electronic signature as long as it is substantially similar to your regular handwritten signature (example: written with a stylus or tablet pen). You can also print the application, sign it as you normally would, and scan it as a pdf and email that to the Town Clerk. 

Deadline: The last day to apply for Vote by Mail is May 30 2023, which is 4 days prior to Election Day. USPS recommends submitting your Vote by Mail application at least 7 days prior to Election Day. 


Information for Candidates

Have you ever considered running for office? Maybe this is the year to make that dream a reality! In order for your name to be printed on the ballot, you will need to file nomination papers with the Town Clerk including signatures from no less than 20 registered Shutesbury voters. Complete nomination papers must be filed with the Town Clerk NO LATER THAN April 15th, by 5pm. 

Nomination papers must be picked up from the Town Clerk Office in person during usual business hours. 

If you intend to run as a write in candidate, please inform the Town Clerk of your candidacy.

Here is a full list of all the elected positions that will be on the ballot this year:


Board of Health (2 seats)

Cemetery Commission (1 seat)

Library Trustees (2 seats)

Planning Board (3 seats)

School Committee (2 seats)

Selectboard (1 seat)

Town Clerk (1 seat)


How To Run For Local Office In 3 Easy Steps:

Step 1: Pick up nomination papers at the Town Clerk Office. You will also receive campaign finance paperwork and fill out a receipt. This is a good time to ask any questions you might have about the process.

Step 2: Collect signatures. You need signatures from at least 20 registered Shutesbury voters. It's a good idea to get more signatures than you need, just in case any of the signatures are illegible or from someone who is not actually registered to vote in Shutesbury.

Step 3: Return your nomination papers to the Town Clerk no later than 5pm on April 15. Assuming you have the required number of valid signatures, get ready to see your name printed on a ballot!


Want to get more involved but not quite ready to run for office? Shutesbury always needs volunteers for our various boards and committees. If there is a specific board or committee you are interested in, contact the chair. Or contact the Selectboard for more information. 


Campaign Finance

Whether or not you are spending any money on your campaign, you will still need to file campaign finance paperwork. You can get required forms from the Town Clerk Office. Please contact the Office of Campaign and Political Finance if you have any questions. 

Important: Even if you are a write in candidate, you will still need to file campaign finance paperwork, whether or not you are spending any money. 


Shutesbury in the news!

"Shutesbury voters defeat proposal to ban public access at Lake Wyola Dam" Daily Hampshire Gazette, 6/5/23

"Two fresh faces elected to Shutesbury school board" Daily Hampshire Gazette, 6/5/23

"Shutesbury voters to consider green energy program, opposing track’s artificial turf at Town Meeting" Greenfield Recorder, 5/31/23

Town Announce Emails

Finance Committee Public Information Session published May 25 2023

What's Happening at Annual Town Meeting published May 25 2023

Last Day to Register to Vote for June 3 published May 24 2023

Vote by Mail is on its way published May 5 2023

Nomination Papers due this Saturday published April 13 2023

Information About the Annual Local Election published March 2 2023