Planning Board

More Information

Zoning, Maps and Bylaws

Projects, Forms and Guidance


Planning Board's Role and Responsibilities

The Shutesbury Planning Board is an elected board consisting of seven members. There are currently no alternate members. The Planning Board is responsible for the following functions:

  • Master Planning: Periodic generation and updating of the town's Master Plan
  • Zoning Amendments: Development of amendments to the town's Zoning Bylaw, as needed, including conducting of hearings, and making presentation to Town Meeting. Conducting public hearings for citizen petitions regarding zoning amendments and making recommendations to Town Meeting.
  • Subdivision Regulations: Periodic development and amendments, as needed, to the Subdivision regulations
  • Approval Not Required (ANR) Plans: Review and approval of plans that create building lots from land along public roadways in Shutesbury. (Most dwellings in Shutesbury are on such lots)
  • Subdivision Plans: Plans that create new building lots from land along newly built subdivision roadways
  • Site Plan Review: Review and approval of projects that require site plan review
  • Special Permits: Review and approval of projects that require a special permit (by two thirds super majority vote)
  • Special Projects: Related to land use planning


Master Plan

Complete Shutesbury Master Plan, including maps (18 megabyte PDF file) - (as of June 2004)

Sections: Table of Contents,    Executive Summary,   Natural Resources and Open Spaces,   Economic Development,   Housing,   Community Facilities and Services,   Transportation,   Historic and Scenic Resources,   Land Use and Zoning,   Appendix A - Execytuve Summary,   Appendix B - Biodiversity Days,   Appendix C - Economic Development,  Appendix D - Housing,   Appendix E - ADA Plan (future),  Appendix F - Transportation

Master Plan Working Group's Shutesbury Community Vision Report (endorsed by Planning Board, 6/12/2017;  approved by the Select Board, 7/11/2017, with the modification that "the MPWG further develop specific topics and strategies" for the Town's implementation)

