On June 27, 2017 The Select Board formed the Records Storage Advisory Committee with the following charge:
The purpose of the Records Storage Advisory Committee is to study and recommend to the Select Board short- and long-term measures that will improve the Town's ability to preserve and protect all the town's record as required by state statute.
These measures are to include concern for inventory, accessibility, work space, environmental factors of light, heat, and humidity, security, structural strength, and future expansion as needed. Any space to be recommended must be fireproof and flood proof.
This appointed committee consisted of six voting members: the Town clerk, a Town Hall employee, a member from the Town Buildings Committee, a member of the Board of Library Trustees, and two members from the community at large. The Town Administrator served as an ex-officio member.
In 2017, The town received a SHRAB grant for the Roving Archivist, Rachel Onuf, to write a report giving us some idea of what lies ahead in terms of preserving our town records. Her report is here.
The Record Storage Advisory Committee completed its two-year research into the state of record storage in our town, presenting the Select Board with a reportand a table of possibilities in October 2019. The Select Board received the report as a starting point for informed discussion and consideration of next steps to be taken, and the Committee was dissolved.