Board of Health

For information on coronavirus, go to the pandemic info page.

Board of Health Mailing Address: P.O. Box 216, Shutesbury, MA 01072

Shutesbury's Public Health Nurse, Sarah Fiske

can be contacted at (413) 531-0657 and at (New email! address!)  Sarah's hours at Town Hall are Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am to 2pm (except the third Wednesday of each month).  Please click here to read a statement about what public health nurses can and can't do.

Click here for a flyer on collecting healthy recipes from Shutesbury residents.

Simply walk! Contact Sarah for details (pedometers available!).



Stop the Bleed class Wednesday December 11 at 6:00 or 7:30 at Leverett Safety Complex.  Enrollment is limited!  Register here.  See flyer here.


Useful information

Click here for the webpage of the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program of the Franklin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority.


Septic system designers, installers, and pumpers:
To apply for a license, click here for information.  Download application form, certification form, and worker's compensation insurance affidavit.

To schedule a soil evaluation or submit a septic system design, contact Health Agent Claudia Sarti, or  (413) 203-5299

Fee Schedule

Building permit applications
What you need to get Board of Health approval.