These guidelines will govern the preferred process of using the subscribed email Town Announcements notification.
Subscribed email announcements will comply with the web site policy. The intent of this policy is to maintain full and open disclosure of such announcements and responses to those announcements, and provide reasonable access to those without access to the Internet or email services.
Emails sent out through this system will go to all current subscribers on the Town Announcements List. That list is subject to Public Record Laws and is available to anyone who requests it. A list of recent announcements is available on the Town website.
The Town-subscribed email list is maintained by the Web Committee. The Committee encourages the use of the email list to get the word out on items of interest to all Town residents. It is an excellent vehicle to put out short-notice info, timely reminders, or helpful tips from your board, committee, or department.
Submitted emails must comply with the Town web policies, and:
- must be from a recognized Town entity (committee, board, or department)
- must be factual in nature - not attempting to advocate a position or vote.
- may announce an event, information, solicit info or assistance, etc.
- should be text-only content. (May contain links to government websites.)
- have no attachments
The role of the Committee is only to ensure that the messages get out in a timely manner and comply with the Town website and email policies established by the SelectBoard. The Web Committee will not compose your messages for you. You must create the wording as you wish it to appear.
How to send out a message to the Town Announcement List
Send an email to the Web Committee with subject line "Request for Town Announcement."
Your email should include the following information:
- Name of Town entity sending out the Announcement
- Subject line for the Announcement
- Requested broadcast date, if not to be sent immediately
- Text of the Town Announcement message to be broadcast
The Process
You should plan on checking your email for any questions or requests for clarification from the Web Committee. If everything is in order, your message will be approved and broadcast to the email list as it was submitted. This usually occurs within 24 hours.
Thank you for using the list, and Happy Emailing!
Shutesbury Web Communications Committee