Conservation Commission

The Shutesbury Conservation Commission is a group of volunteers dedicated to protecting the community's natural resources and open space.

The Commission is responsible for administering:

  • Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL Ch 131 ยง40)
  • Massachusetts WPA Regulations (310 CMR 10.00)
  • Shutesbury General Wetlands Protection Bylaw, and the Regulations that accompany it.

The Commission is tasked with enforcing these statutes, as well as advising the Town and educating the public about environmental protection. Our mission is to protect open spaces, water resources, and wildlife habitats in our community. The Commission manages several Conservation Areas in Shutesbury.

Meeting Schedule

From March through October, the Conservation Commission holds public meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. During the winter months, the Commission meets once a month on the second Tuesday.

NOTE: Our meetings are currently held virtually on ZOOM.  Links to ZOOM meetings can be found on the Shutesbury Calendar. Click on the meeting within the calendar, and you will see the agenda with a link to the meeting.  Information on all applications before the Commission is posted below.

Site visits are normally scheduled before public meetings.


Special Town Meeting 10/26/1964
(originating Warrant Article for formation of the Conservation Commission)

Shutesbury Wetlands Protection Bylaw Regulations

Shutesbury Wetlands Protection Bylaw

When should I contact the Conservation Commission?

Wetlands Permit Application Forms and Instructions

Cowls/AMP Energy Solar Projects ANRADs

Past and Present Projects Under Conservation Commission Review

West Quabbin Woodlands Conservation Area

Town Conservation Projects

DCR Forest Cutting Plans

Resources for Landowners