Textile Collection

As of November 2022, all textiles will be banned from trash disposal sites in Massachusetts, so these items will need to be recycled.  To that end, Shutesbury is partnering with CMRK, a company that collects textiles and other items at no cost.  In fact, Shutesbury will receive $0.07 per pound for recycled textiles.  You will find the blue textile collection bin on the road that will be the entrance to the new library on Leverett Road.

Whatever you put in the bin must be dry and clean and in tied bags.  Here’s a list of acceptable and non-acceptable items. 


  • Clothing, all sizes and seasons                    ·  All athletic sneakers

  • Night clothes & robes                                    ·  Lifestyle / leisure shoes

  • Undergarments                                              ·  Dress shoes

  • Bedding / linens                                             ·  Boots

  • Purses

  • Jewelry & accessories



  • Ripped shoes

  • Single shoe

  • Moldy shoes 


You can help make this partnership work smoothly in a couple of ways.  If you notice that the bin is full, please email recycling@shutesbury.org to let the Recycling Coordinator know.  He will get in touch with CMRK, and they’ll have a truck out to Shutesbury right away.

If you see that there has been illegal dumping at the bin site, again, email the Recycling Coordinator to let him know.  Shutesbury has a Littering and Dumping Bylaw, and the Shutesbury police will investigate any such incidents. 

This arrangement with CMRK will help us keep textiles and other items out of the waste stream, help us pass on things we no longer need, and even make a few dollars for our town.


In addition, CMRK will schedule home pick-ups of many more items at no cost.  To see what items are acceptable for home pick-up, go to CMRK FAQ  (https://www.cmrkne.com/faq).


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