CPA-Funded Projects in Shutesbury

CPA-Funded Projects in Shutesbury

Since 2011, Shutesbury Town Meeting has awarded CPA funds to support nineteen projects, amounting to over $430,000 of direct investment--and millions of dollars more in matching grants--for the historic preservation, open space, recreation, and affordable housing needs of the community.

These projects represent partnerships with other town committees and commissions, groups organized by Shutesbury residents, and nonprofit organizations. Additional information about Shutesbury's CPA funding activities can be found by visiting the Community Preservation Coalition's online databank.

The projects that have been awarded CPA funding in the past are:


  • Amherst Regional High School track and field rehabilitation and repair


  • Historic gravestone restoration at West Cemetery
  • Parking area at Lot R-15 (West Quabbin Conservation Area)


  • Develop accessible trails and parking at Kestrel Trust's Ames Pond property
  • Purchase and develop for passive recreational use the forested property at Lot R-15
  • Preserve and restore the historic guideboard sign on the Town Common, phase one


  • Conduct an ecological evaluation of current trails in the South Brook conservation area to inform future trail work
  • Creation of community gardens behind town hall [amended in 2022 to move the community gardens to the site of the planned new library at Lot O-32]


  • Payment towards schematic and engineering study for Amherst Regional High School track and field restoration and reconstruction


  • Payment towards building of a Habitat for Humanity home for a first-time homebuyer
  • Repairs to foundation and structural support for Old Town Hall

habitat house


  • Pay for plan for removal of silt in North Cove of Lake Wyola and restoration to its historical depths [grant rescinded in 2023 due to project inactivity]

2017: no projects


  • Create a Running Track at Shutesbury Elementary School
  • Shutesbury Elementary School playground rehabilitation and replacement


  • West Cemetery rehabilitation and restoration
  • Create a canoe/kayak launch at Lake Wyola
  • Create waterfront park at former Town Beach

2014: no projects


  • Hearse House rehabilitation

hearse house


  • West Schoolhouse rehabilitation


  • West Schoolhouse rehabilitation


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