Shutesbury Meetings are Fragrance-Free

Shutesbury's Select Board has mandated that all Town meetings be fragrance-free.

Why we request fragrance free …

Although this issue may be unfamiliar to you, there is an increasing number of people who are sensitive to commonly-used items.  Upon being exposed to scented personal care products, they can suffer severe and debilitating physical symptoms.

Please make our Town buildings accessible to everyone in our community by not using scented personal care products on any day that you will be visiting a Town building.

The most problematic substances are perfume, cologne, aftershaves, essential oils, fragranced gels/hairsprays, laundry detergent, and fabric softener. Other fragranced products such as deodorants, shampoos, hair-care products, and lotions can cause problems for some people. Certain fragrances linger for several days or longer.  The chemicals used in personal care products are also a serious environmental issue, impacting our air, water and landfills.  We can each help create a safer environment every day through regular use of unscented products.  We are not suggesting that people stop using items that are medically necessary.

Please contact the ADA Coordinator for a list of recommended locally available products.
