Congratulations, Shutesbury! 59% turn out ain't too shabby for a primary. Well done!
Click here to view the unofficial election results.
Congratulations, Shutesbury! 59% turn out ain't too shabby for a primary. Well done!
Click here to view the unofficial election results.
Here's how:
There will be mail-in and in-person voting options for registered Shutesbury voters during the September 1st State Primary Election and the November 3rd General Election.
In Person Voting:
In Person Early Voting hours for the September 1st primary will be on Saturday and Sunday, August 22nd and 23rd at Town Hall.
Voting By Mail:
If you were registered to vote in Massachusetts before July 1st 2020, the Secretary of the Commonwealth will mail you a Vote By Mail application around July 15th.
545 ballots were cast, 44% of our 1,228 registered voters Here are today's election results. Winner *
Board of Health
* Norene Pease 452
* Garrett Simonsen 440
Write in 2, Blanks 196
Cemetery Commission
* Walter Tibbetts 478
Write in 3, Blanks 64
Library Trustees
* P. Savanna Ouellette 459
* Melanie DeSilva 440
Write in 6, Blanks 185
Planning Board
Town Hall is still closed to the public at this time. Any Absentee or Early Voting applications I receive by noon on Monday, 6/22 will have their ballots put in the mail, but the ballot may not reach the voter until Friday, or later. Voters can return their ballot in the drop-box in front of Town Hall up to 2:00 pm on Saturday when the polls close to guarantee that it will be received.
If you did not get your ballot in time, you can vote in person on Saturday, outside, behind Town Hall. The polls are open from 8 am - 2:00 pm
The Shutesbury Conservation Commission has published a notice of two continued public hearings. This information is also posted on the Town Clerk page as required. For more information see the Conservation Commission web page.
At the April 23, 2020 virtual meeting of the Conservation Commission, the following two items were voted on and rescheduled to 5/14/2020:
7:30pm Continue Public Hearing for ANRAD at ZD-37 (Montague/Carver)
If you were receiving calendar notifications using our previous posting system, you will need to follow the steps below to sign up for these emails again.
You can sign up for notifications of meetings for any committee by going to our new posting website:
Use the drop down menu on the left to pick the committee you want to follow. On the committee's page, click, "Subscribe to Email Alerts." You will need to repeat these steps for each committee separately.
Click HERE to find more information about the June 28 Special Election
Click HERE for the Absentee Voting application
Where: Town Hall, 1 Cooleyville rd, Shutesbury MA. Downstairs. Just like during the September Primary, voters will enter through the Senior Lounge and exit from the side door in the main room.
When: Tuesday, November 3rd 2020. Polls open at 7AM and close at 8PM. If you can't make it until the end of the day, be aware that you must be in line (in other words, in the parking lot and on your way inside) by 8PM to cast your vote.
The Town Clerk's office will be putting early and absentee ballots into the ballot box as allowed by state statute in the main room, downstairs. Observers are welcomed.
Monday, Oct. 26 from 1:30 - 3pm
Tuesday, Oct 27 from 1:30 - 3pm
Thursday, Oct 29 from 10:00 - Noon
Friday, Oct 30 from 10 - noon
Monday Nov. 2 from 10 - noon
Town Meeting Minutes - click here to read Warrant - click here to view in full
A Town Meeting Warrant is a document that tells you when a Town Meeting will take place, where it will be, and also what is going to be discussed and voted on.
2022 State Primary Election When: Tuesday, September 6 2022
Upcoming Elections: April 26 2025, Local Election May 31 2025, Annual Town Meeting Town Clerk Office Hours
Monday: 10am-3pm
Tuesday: 10am-3pm
Wednesday: 10am-1pm, 3pm-5pm
Thursday: 10am-3pm
Friday: 10am-3pm
Click here to download the Vote by Mail application for 2025
Applications can be submitted to the Town Clerk Office by mail, dropbox, or email.
Volunteers, elected officials, and appointees should use a designated email for Town business. Because we are not currently able to provide a "" email address to everyone, we recommend setting up your own email account for Town work. This email account should be distinct from your personal or other work emails and should only be used for Town business. This will help you stay organized, as well as comply with Open Meeting Law and Public Records Requests.
The following is the format suggested.