Web Communications Committee

It is the responsibility of the Web Communications Committee to provide the public with up-to-date information about Shutesbury and its governance.  To that end, the Committee maintains an official Town website, where committee information is regularly posted, and manages a Town Announcements email list for distribution of news from Town officials.

  • Town committee business is conducted in open public meetings (check MyTownGov or the Town Calendar for dates and times of posted meetings).

  • Town committee correspondence is handled solely through organizational email accounts (e.g., "@shutesbury.org") to ensure continuity for state-mandated record retention.


Do you have suggestions or comments for additional content on the Town website?
for easier navigation of the website?  If so, please write to us at web@shutesbury.org.  Thank you!



View a list of recent Town Announcements here.

To receive e-mail Town Announcements, sign up here.

To send a message to the Town Announcement mailing list, send your proposed message to the Web Committee with "Request for Town Announcement" as the email subject line.



For Shutesbury Webpage Authors or email users