Pole Petition submitted January 16 2025
Upcoming Elections:
April 26 2025, Local Election & Annual Town Meeting
Town Clerk Office Hours
Monday: 10am-3pm
Tuesday: 10am-3pm
Wednesday: 10am-1pm, 3pm-5pm
Thursday: 10am-3pm
Friday: 10am-3pm
The Town Clerk Office will be closed Wednesday March 26, and Friday March 28
The Shutesbury Town Clerk is responsible for administering elections, registering vitals, preserving town records, providing access to public records, issuing dog licenses and so much more!
If you do not find what you are looking for on this page, call the Town Clerk Office at 413-259-1204.
Vote by Mail Application
Print the Vote by Mail application, fill it out, and return it to the Town Clerk Office to receive a mailed ballot. Applications can also be filled out electronically, as long as your electronic signature is made in substantially the same manner as your handwritten signature (in other words, using a tablet pen or similar tool)
Dog Licenses
Click here to download the application
Paper copies of the application are available at the Town Clerk Office.
All dogs in Shutesbury are required by law to be licensed every year and have a current rabies vaccination. If you're not sure if you need to get your dog needs a new tag, check the color. 2021 tags are a very elegant blue. These are two excellent reasons to renew your dog tag today!
Submit your application in person at the Town Clerk Office (first door on your left when you walk into Town Hall) by mail or via the black drop box on the lawn in front of Town Hall. If you want the license mailed back to you, include the application, a check filled out with black ink, and a self-addressed return envelope with 2 stamps.
Notary Public
Notary services are available at the Town Clerk office. There is no fee for these services. Call ahead to make an appointment or walk in during usual office hours.
Voter Registration
Use this online tool created by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to find out your current voter registration status:
Helpful hint: If you can't find your registration, and you have a mailing zip code other than 01072, try using 01072 instead of your alternate (01002, for example) zip code. This is one of the few times in life when the difference between residential and mailing addresses actually matters.
Register to vote: Use the Secretary's website, call Town Clerk (413) 259-1204 to have a mail-in voter registration form sent, or register at the Registry of Motor Vehicles when you renew your driver’s license.
Massachusetts also has On-Line Voter Registration: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr
Register today!
Citizen Petitions
A Citizen's Petition is a proposal brought to Town Meeting by a citizen or group of citizens which will appear as a warrant article to be voted on. Crafting a successful petition takes time and information gathering is important. For an information sheet that describes the process, click here.
Public Records Requests
Many citizens would like to know more about the activities of committees and boards in town. You may find the information you are seeking on a board or committee's page on the town website. If the information is not there or you don't have web access, you are welcomed to make a public records request to the Town Clerk.
Under state Public Record Law, the requests for Shutesbury public records are made to the Town Clerk, who serves as our Records Access Officer. You will receive a response within 10 business days. Requests can be made in writing or by email. Please include your contact information. For more on the Public Records law, click here.
Shutesbury has guidelines for the Public Record here.
The Massachusetts Public Records Guide
If you would like to request a recording of a Shutesbury public meeting, please check the Shutesbury Public Meetings Youtube channel to see if it has been uploaded there already before requesting a recording from the Town Clerk.
Minutes for Meetings
The Open Meeting Law Guide describes the requirements for minutes on pages 15-16 and can be read here.
Here are samples of minute templates that meet the OML requirements in different styles.
Your committee may have their own format that meets the requirements. You can get copies of these forms in the lower right-hand mailbox in the hallway at Town Hall and from the stand outside the Town Clerk's office.
Mandatory Ethics Training for All Employees and Volunteers
Required Information for Appointed and Elected Members of Shutesbury Government
People new to a board or position should get sworn in at the Town Clerk's office and I can hand you the full folder of information. For those who want to read or print themselves a copy of information sheets, the documents are linked here.
- Attorney General's Open Meeting Law Guide
- Open Meeting Law, MGL c. 30A, SS 18-25
- 940 CMR as of Oct. 6, 2017
- Certificate of Receipt of Open Meeting Law Materials
- Open Meeting Law FAQ (revised)
- Attorney General's Open Meeting Law webpage with links and information
- Conflict of Interest Law Education and Training Guidelines
- Town of Shutesbury Regarding Unlawful Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Policy
- Policy of Non-Discrimination & Grievance Procedure
- Shutesbury Volunteers are "Special Municipal Employees"
- Shutesbury Employee and Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy
- Indemnification of Volunteers
- Fragrance Free and AmericansWith Disabilities Act Requirements
- Guide for Members of Public Boards and Commissions
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFd9PmEhKZk video for Board and Com. Members from the Inspector Generals office
- https://www.mass.gov/service-details/open-meeting-law-training-videos Link to OML training videos
DBA information and forms
Information and forms for a DBA certificate can be found here.
Call the Town Clerk at 259-1204 to schedule an appointment if you need a DBA.
Filing Marriage Intentions
Marriage Intentions available by appointment
The current town clerk is not a Justice of the Peace, so marriages are not performed in the Shutesbury Town Hall. Before the marriage ceremony there is a two-step process in my office to obtain a marriage certificate to be signed by an officiant at the ceremony. These two steps require a three -day waiting period..
A List of Marriage Officiants Currently In Shutesbury (if you would like to be added to this list, please email the Town Clerk):
Dina Stander, 413-237-1300, https://www.dinastander.com/celebrant-services
You can also find a list of Justices of the Peace at https://www.mjpa.org/ or use the yellow pages.
Here are the Instructions:
First, both people come in to fill out the intention filing, take an oath, and sign the documents. This takes about 30 minutes. The intention filing is good for 60 days before it expires. The cost for filing is $15. Certified copies of the final license are $5 /each.
After a required three-day waiting period, only one person needs to return to proofread and pick up official copy of the license. The license is taken to the ceremony or service and signed by the officiant who conducts the marriage. The signed license is returned to the Town Clerk to file with the state and make certified copies for your records.
Order a Vital Record (Birth, Marriage or Death Certificate)
- Submit request by phone, fax, or email townclerk@shutesbury.org.
- Include any known information - name and date preferred.
- Include a $5 per copy payment - cash or check made out to "Town of Shutesbury"
- Include a self-addressed stamped envelope or you
can pick up the certificate at the Town Clerk's office.
Search Vital Records
available and send an estimated cost to complete the research and make copies as requested.