Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

HHW Collection Day

Each Fall Shutesbury residents can participate in a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day shared with the towns of Amherst, Pelham, and Leverett.  This year's collection is on Saturday Sept 7th from 9am to noon at Wildwood Elementary School, 71 Strong Street, Amherst.

You must preregister to participate.  Shutesbury Pre-Registration form is hereRegister online at

Find what you can and cannot dispose of here.

Would you be willing to work the event for us?  You would not handle any materials, just direct and check in the people who have registered to bring their wastes to be processed.  If you can help us, please contact the Recycling Coordinator at 259-1235.


Not all hazardous materials have to wait for HHW Collection Day.

Some Household Hazardous Waste items are collected throughout the year at Town Hall.

Click here for a summary of HHW items & their disposal in Shutesbury.    


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