The Energy and Climate Action Committee was created by the Select Board in 2022 to respond to the increasing challenges of the climate crisis. On July 8, 2024, the Select Board approved a revised scope and charge, as follows below.
The Energy and Climate Action Committee (ECAC) shall guide the Town tin identifying needs and solutions for climate change mitigation and resilience.
The ECAC shall: 1) Recommend to the Town programs, policies, and strategies to reduce the community's contribution to climate change, with a focus on greenhouse gases (GHG), and promote a cleaner and more resilient energy infrastructure. 2) Prepare, coordinate, and act to mitigate and adapt to effects of climate change. 3) Propose programs and policies to implement GHG reduction and increase climate resilience in such areas as, but not limited to:
a. Energy d. Land use g. Regenerative design
b. Built environment e. Water h. Infrastructure
c Transportation f. Solid waste i. Open space, agriculture, and forestry 4) Stay abreast of the latest research and best practices regarding climate change. 5) Review and prioritize recommendations from the Town's 2020 Municipal Vulnerability Plan (MVP) and the 2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP), as well as other relevant documents. 6) Engage the public and relevant stakeholders in education, planning, and goal setting for climate action. 7) Recommend measurable benchmarks and/or climate mitigation goals to be achieved with target dates for the Town to adopt. 8) Coordinate with other Town committees and boards to reduce Shutesbury's GHG emissions, increase electrification, build climate resilience, and explore opportunities for regenerative design.
The Select Board will appoint five (5) voting members, some of whom shall have experience with one or more of the following areas: net zero energy building; energy-efficient retrofits; climate change mitigation advocacy/research; clean energy practice/policy/infrastructure; community choice energy; green infrastructure for climate adaptation; sustainable transportation; sustainable farming and forestry; waste reduction; environmental or climate justice; and other relevant areas.
PAST PROJECTS Household Energy Survey —
Online from May 14th through midnight, June 12th, 2022.
Survey results are tabulated here.