The Climate Leader Communities Program builds on Green Communities and provides tools and resources to help municipalities reduce emissions by electrifying non-electric energy uses and maximizing the efficiency of buildings and transportation. Towns that participate in the Climate Leader Communities Program are eligible for grant funding to support part or all of the costs of activities that would enhance energy efficiency.
To be eligible for Climate Leader Community certification, communities must meet the following requirements:
Be a Green Community in good standing 🙂
Have a local body (energy committee, etc.) that advises the municipality on clean energy/climate initiatives 🙂
Create a municipal decarbonization roadmap [watch this space!]
Commit to eliminate on-site fossil fuel use in municipal buildings by 2050 [for vote at upcoming Town Meeting]
Adopt a Zero-Emission Vehicle first policy for municipal vehicles [for vote at upcoming Town Meeting]
Adopt the Specialized Opt-In building code for new construction [for vote at upcoming Town Meeting] (See Building Code FAQs.)
Climate Leader Communities Resources
DOER Site on Climate Leader Communities
Details on Zero-Emission Vehicle first policies
Specialized Stretch Code
° Building Code FAQs
° On Feb. 26, 2024, representatives of Mass. DOER presented on
the updated Municipal Building codes.
* Town Meeting Handout
* Presentation (.pdf)
* Video of presentation (presentation starts at 16:30 in the video)
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