Current & Older Projects Before the Board
All projects are reviewed at posted public meetings or posted public hearings. The public is invited to attend public meetings and hearings for projects currently under consideration. Minutes of past meetings can be found here.
The Planning Board reviews projects as they are submitted. Projects listed below are considered significant given their size or community-wide interest. Approval Not Required (ANR) projects do not require a hearing. While all special permits require a public hearing that is publicly noticed, some small scale/residential projects may not be listed below.
The following plans were delivered to Shutesbury but have not yet considered by the Planning Board. Applicant and Owner: W. D. Cowls, Inc.
- 2024 Subdivision: Leverett Road West - plan, map
- 2024 Subdivision: Pratt East preliminary - plan, map
- 2024 Subdivision: Pratt West preliminary - plan, map
- 2024 Subdivision: Montague preliminary - plan, map
- 2023 Wightman Open Space Design Amendment PARCEL ID: H-151 - application, documents, related documents.
- 2022: Wightman Open Space Design PARCEL ID: H-151 - documents.
- 2020: Subdivision: Dean Brook - Pratt Corner Rd, ZG-2 -- plan, map
- 2020: Subdivision: Roaring - Carver Rd West, ZD-37 -- plan, map
- 2020: Subdivision: Baker Brook - West Pelham Rd, ZQ-6 & Q-70 -- plan, map
- 2020: Subdivision: Nurse Brook - Pratt Corner Rd, ZW-6 -- plan, map
- 2019: Wheelock: Battery energy storage installation. Special Permit - DECISION
- 2016: "Wheelock" solar installation - Pratt Corner Road
Application Guidance
The first step in applying for a permit is to understand the Shutesbury Zoning Bylaw and how it applies to your situation. A printed version may be obtained from the Town Clerk for a fee, or it can be downloaded from this web page. If you have questions about zoning that need clarification for the application, you may contact the Chair.
Open Space Design
- Understanding Open Space Design
- Open Space Design Worksheet [enter calculations in the Word format] or pdf format
Subdivision Regulations
- Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land (updated 2008)
Approval Not Required (ANR) Regulations
- ANR Regulations (2001)
Special Permits
Project Application Forms
Once you have understood the Bylaws regarding your interests, you should take the following steps.
- Complete the application form for the type of request sought
- Gather all of the necessary documentation required for your application.
- Obtain a certified abutters list, if required
- Submit your application, supporting documentation and abutters list to the Town Clerk and pay the application fee. Digital submission may be required and is often preferred, if possible; please check with the Town Clerk and Planning Board Chair.
Forms and Materials for Applications:
Site Plan Review
Special Permit
- Planning Board Special Permit Application.pdf - note: In addition to the required hardcopy submission, the Planning Board requires a full electronic copy of any Special Permit Application and additional materials be submitted to the Town Clerk.
- Planning Board Special Permit Checklist.pdf
- *Special Permit Fee Schedule*
Approval Not Required (ANR)
Approval Not Required - Form A
Open Space Design